On his dying bed, David gives instructions to Solomon and anoints him as King of Israel. By doing this he puts down the rebellion of Adonijah and preserves the royal line through which the Messiah will come.
Near the end of his life David encourages his son to build the Temple for God and do it with a heart of gold. In this speech to Solomon and the nation of Israel, David models for us his own heart of generosity and love for God and His glory.
In this message we learn the importance of putting God at the center of our lives. David has a heart for God and demonstrated that by preparing Solomon to build the Temple. David models for us a heart of worship in reverence and awe.
David comes to his latter years and falls in pride. However, David is a man who could admit he was wrong and David repents of his sin and makes it right with God. This message will focus on what it means to be a humble person of God.
Getting weary is part of life under the sun. Believers face trials and tribulations just like unbelievers, but Jesus Christ has overcome the world. David is a model for believers to keep pushing on trusting God even when life continues to be difficult.
Getting old is part of life, but when we serve God we can grow old with purpose to the glory of God. This message shows how when a person dedicates themselves to the cause of God, generosity and loyalty come with it.
This message will detail the return of David and the ensuing difficulties he had to face. The message is a reminder of the return of David’s greater Son the Lord Jesus Christ.
This message will detail the victory of David's army over Absalom's and David's subsequent mourning over his son's death. The message will weave back and forth from David’s situation to the Lord Jesus Christ seeing similarities and contrasts to gain some insight into Christ’s love for His people.