The Master’s Church Appropriation of the Regulative Principle

We Affirm

That Scripture models a limited number of elements in worship. These include, but are not limited to preaching, reading Scripture, prayer, singing praises, giving, fellowship, service, the Lord’s Table and Baptism.

We Deny

That Scripture regulates what time the church should meet on the Lord’s Day, the order of service, the design of the building, the seating arrangements, technology, lighting, and the like.

We Affirm

That Scripture must be the driving force behind church methodology. Taking Scripture as the church’s guide, the methods must be consistent with a high view of God to Whom is the focus of worship.

We Deny

That methodology is neutral or insignificant to God. We reject the idea that man-made programs or technologies modeled after worldly or man-centered principles fall under the category of mere preference.

We Affirm

That Scripture alone is the authority in our policies and practices. It alone governs the substance of what we do in worship. We must worship God in the way that He has revealed Himself, the way He has commanded us and the pattern set forth by the New Testament church.

We Deny

That churches are free to do whatever they want to do in church. We reject that man-made traditions, rituals or practices are neutral or inherently blessed by God.

We Affirm

That policies, practices and methods not specifically mentioned or modeled in the New Testament should only be used with extreme caution and only if they are consistent in principle in Scripture.

We Deny

That arguments from silence are by themselves binding arguments on the church. We deny that you can build theological doctrines or support church practices out of silence.

We Affirm

That worship services are primarily to worship and glorify God and are a matter of edification, learning and spiritual growth, which are ordained by God.

We Deny

That motivational speaking, comedic drama, sensual dance, secular movie clips, gimmicks, side-show entertainment, and the like, are effective to true worship and attract people to repentance, faith or growth in Jesus Christ.

We Affirm

That biblical expository preaching is the central element of corporate worship.

We Deny

That a music service alone is corporate worship if the Bible is not preached during such service.

We Affirm

The authority of The Master’s Church under the care of the Council of Elders, led by the Headship of Christ, will regulate its worship services without any outside authorities dictating its policies and practices.

We Deny

That governmental or ecclesiastical authorities have the right to dictate to The Master’s Church whether they can meet, when they can meet or how they can conduct their worship services.